Women’s health is our only business.
Cathryn Powell is a Nurse Practitioner located in Missoula, Montana. This practice specializes in women’s health. Cathryn provides primary health care and wellness to women at all stages of life from adolescence through menopause and beyond. Her focus is on health promotion and wellness with a goal of helping women live their best lives. At Missoula Women’s Healthcare we are tremendously proud of the impact we make in our community by providing quality health services with a personal touch.
Our Services
General Health
We are known for promoting a healthy lifestyle and managing chronic conditions when needed.
Wellness Checkups
We provide health care services as well as teach prevention and self-care skills to our patients.
We offer comprehensive birth control and gynecologic care for women of all ages.
PH: (406) 542-2116 FAX: (406) 542-1425
2825 Fort Missoula Road
Building 1, Suite 113
Missoula, MT 59804